Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mobile SEO - 3 Things You Should Know

As I have been mentioning in my blogs mobile devices are here to stay and will soon over take desktop and laptop computers as the primary source for search engines. In the not to distant future you are going to see businesses scrambling to get mobile websites because they were late to the party so to speak. Being a business owner especially an online business owner it is better to be proactive rather than reactive. I understand that it takes time and technology is advancing at a rapid rate but that is all the more reason you need a Phoenix web design company to keep up with all the latest technology for you so that you can ensure your website will be cutting-edge. One of the things that your business still has time to get in on before it because ultra competitive and get a head start on your competition is mobile search engine optimization. Now this is different than the SEO campaign your currently running. Lets take a look at some of the best practices in regards to mobile SEO.

  1. Mobile Users -?A mobile website is critical in today?s world or at least a mobile compatible website. You don?t want visitors coming to your website seeing a page that is difficult to view or it may even look broken. If you are not trying to attract mobile users to your website you are falling behind the times. Now is your chance to take advantage before everyone else does. That is why contacting an elite Phoenix web design company to begin working on your mobile website and mobile SEO is so time sensitive.
  2. Content ? The way you are used to setting up your website and the loads and loads of ?content you like putting on it is no longer viable to do for mobile users. You must understand that mobile devices are not desktops or laptops.
  3. Search Engines ? ?Search engines are going to be different. Now of course keywords are still going to be used as that is just how a search engine works however there will be new dimensions added such as?location, device types and content formats. Hiring a Phoenix web design team that understands this is critical.

If you don?t believe me that mobile devices are going to take over the majority of searches in the near future all you have to do is look around and you are likely to see at least a couple people browsing the web from their mobile device. It is absolutely critical to begin now if you want to get a head start on your competition and the odds are some of your competition has already begun. We are an elite Phoenix web design company that would be happy to help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today for a free quote.?Visit our website at for more information about our web design, development and SEO services.


January 15, 2013

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