Saturday, December 15, 2012

Spotting risk management gaps that spreadsheets can't - Gael News ...

Spreadsheets can be wonderful things.

For risk management, they can be used to collate mountains of data and provide analysis of the collated information using numerous, personalised formulas to get results, making it simpler to report your findings.

However, from the information collated, there is no easy way to see the threats, potential consequences or the controls in place to prevent each individual risk to your business. It?s also difficult to communicate these threats, risks or controls to others as the information ? sometimes vast ? can be extremely confusing and overwhelming when it is presented. Difficulty also lies in being able to help others understand worst case scenarios, preventive measures or each control designed to minimise impact should a risk occur.

And what about engagement with the risk management system? How can you communicate the importance of maintaining controls - while promoting a shared understanding of individual business risks - when the information you are working from is confusing and overwhelming?

This is where the Bowtie methodology ? a visual diagram method which portrays each risk to your business using imagery ? comes in to play. Our Gael Risk solution uses the Bowtie methodology, and can work alongside your existing spreadsheets for effective risk management.


For more information on Bowtie - read our blog - An Introduction to Bowtie methodology for risk management.

Do you use spreadsheets for risk management? Would the Bowtie method make it easier to manage and communicate risk in your organisation?


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