Friday, December 7, 2012

Intel Red Ridge lands in the FCC: Medfield tablet dreams are reborn

Intel Red Ridge lands in the FCC, Medfield tablet dreams are reborn

Mentions of Intel's Red Ridge tablet platform began cropping up in earnest well over a year ago, but things have been fairly quiet on the Medfield front -- with a few exceptions, of course -- ever since. Now, however, Intel's signaling that it may be ready to pop the cork at CES, as the label you're peering at above just made it through FCC processing earlier today. While there's dreadfully little to go on in the filing, we know that Red Ridge is a Medfield-based tablet platform, with the model shown here tested on a device running Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and capable of handling Bluetooth, NFC and 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi waves. Notably, we're also told that a "production unit" was used, hinting that we could see the commercial version of this mystery machine make its debut in just under a month. Rest assured, we'll be checking every nook and crannie allowed by law once we land in Las Vegas.

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Source: FCC


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