September 3, 2012
An organisation called Americans For Legal Immigration posted an appeal on their web site, after their Youtube account was hacked by a polit6ical opponent, who was apparently so bereft of ideas that it stooped to silencing its opponents through web site vandalism. In keeping with their request to repost their videos, I am reprinting their appeal, and reposting their videos as they have requested. I am doing so in order to promote enforcement of America?s immigration laws, as well as to assist in protectingtheir rights of free speech.
Friends of ALIPAC,
Our youtube account that represented 6 years of our work and our free speech was destroyed this past January when Google let an illegal alien supporting activist have the codes to our account. The FBI under Obama refuses to help us and Google Inc. has not responded to any of our requests for help sent to them every way known to man.
We are warning all other activism groups that if Obama and Google don?t like what you are saying you can be struck down at any time and be left without the most basic customer service.
Please help us to rebuild ALIPAC?s online video presence which brings many more people to our aid in our fight against illegal immigration. We are working over the Holiday weekend and need your help for 15 minutes. We have added more security to our Youtube account and are uploading videos from years past.
Please take 15 minutes to?
1. Click on and watch these three videos
2. Vote thumbs up and make a comment on each video
3. Share these three videos with others by emailing them to friends, placing them on websites you control, posting them in online forums, or posting them on Facebook and Twitter.
Each of you that views, comments, and helps circulate these videos will help our messages against illegal immigration and amnesty reach others!
Selma Braun
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