Sunday, June 30, 2013

On Tax Exemptions, House Ds Prove No Match for Beekeepers or Oil Refineries

A Sudden $321 Million Windfall Prompts a Startling Go-Home Offer From the Senate

OLYMPIA, June 18.?Some $321 million landed in the Legislature?s lap Tuesday and suddenly the world of the statehouse was turned upside down, all over again. In one of the canniest chess moves

by Erik Smith

Inslee Abandons Mediator Role as He Calls Second Special Session ? Blames All Problems on Republicans

OLYMPIA, June 11.?Pointing his finger in a way previous governors never would have dared, Jay Inslee lashed out Tuesday at the Republicans who dominate the Majority Caucus in the Senate as he called l

by Erik Smith

Senate Advances Negotiating Position ? Passes Worker?s Comp, K-12 Reform Bills and Spending-Limits Measure

OLYMPIA, June 10.?The pieces started falling in place for a session-ending deal on the state budget as the Senate advanced three big pieces of legislation its leaders say must be considered as part of

by Erik Smith

Two Weeks of Fund-Raising Net $185K in Hot Angel-Schlicher Race ? Will it be Most Expensive Legislative Race Ever?

OLYMPIA, May 23.?The final fund-raising numbers are in, and they give just a hint of how hot things are going to be in this year?s numero-uno legislative race. During that brief two-week window earlie

by Erik Smith

Labor-Backed Initiative at SeaTac Targets Airport, Hotels -- Would Set Highest Minimum Wage in Country at $15 an Hour

OLYMPIA, May 15.?A local ballot initiative in the city of SeaTac would give airport workers and those in nearby hotels and car-rental companies the highest minimum wage in the country by nearly $5 an

by Erik Smith


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Listen, we're all for waiting until the last possible minute, but that time is now. If you happen to be looking for a deal on Google's fancy new music service, the clock is ticking. Once June 30th rolls around, Google Play Music All Access's $7.99 price tag will bump up to the standard $9.99 a month. That's a full $2 a month more for access to those millions of unlimited songs. You can sign up at the source link below -- that same page can also hook you up with a free 30-day trial, if not paying money is your thing.


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Communist Party Will Work with Democrats & RINOs to Give GOP a ‘Licking’ in 2014 – Tea Party Lesson - Conservative Read

Sam Webb, Chair of the Communist Party USA wants to give the GOP a ?licking? in 2014 and its going to work even more closely with the Democrats to do it.

In his latest message to the Party faithful: ?Ingredients for a movement that can transform our country,? Webb outlined Communist Party objectives for the near future.

Speaking of the broad ?progressive? alliance with the Communist Party at its center Webb said:

Contrary to what some on the left think, the starting point of transformative politics isn?t political desires and wish list, but a sober and concrete assessment of the balance of class and social forces on the ground, not least of which is the political consciousness of the majority of working-class people and what they are ready to fight for.

How do we accelerate this transition from a movement with transformative potential to a movement with transformative power and capacity?

?a movement with transformative hopes must be up to its ears in the struggle for jobs, a higher minimum wage, immigration reform, gun control, infrastructure renewal, abortion rights, protecting the climate, preserving earned-benefit programs, marriage equality, voting rights, saving public education, reversing the sequester, winning a federal budget favoring people?s needs, cutting the military budget, and many more issues at the federal, state and local level.

It should also be an energetic part of the struggle to give the Republican Party a licking in next year?s congressional elections. Defeating right-wing extremist candidates is the key link in moving the whole chain of struggle forward. It will take an expansive coalition of voters, including independents, centrists and even some moderate Republicans.

To some on the far left, even the Democrats seem too moderate, but the Communist Party understands that victory is impossible without using the Dems (at least temporarily) to push their agenda.

?the Democratic Party has been a necessary, albeit inconsistent, component (at this stage of struggle) of the broad ?small d? democratic coalition blocking the imposition of some of the worst features of the extreme right?s agenda, not to mention its more ambitious effort to gain unchallenged dominance over the federal government, thereby enabling the right to impose an authoritarian and austere form of capitalism on the American people.

Moreover, since 2008 the Obama administration has advanced many positive reform initiatives which the movement would be foolish not to welcome and support ? the latest of which is the administration?s efforts to curb carbon emissions.

Finally, the mass base of the Democratic Party includes major sections of the people?s movement and a substantial layer of progressive elected representatives who, while not completely happy with the centrist positions of its top leaders, are still not ready to bid goodbye and join a new political/electoral party.

In these circumstances, it would be foolhardy to refuse in advance to cooperate with the Democratic Party as a whole or sections of it under any conditions. That would be a prescription for marginalization.

This lesson should not be lost on the Tea Party, which should seek to be to the GOP what the Communists are to the Democrats.

The Communists understand that they should not abandon the Democrats to pursue a more pure Marxist-Leninist agenda. Using the Democrats may be frustrating, but it magnifies communist influence exponentially. One day it may be opportune to found a new broad based leftist party ? but not now.

Likewise the Tea Party should not be abandoning the GOP right now, but should be aggressively and overtly taking it over. The Communist Party, a few thousand strong at most, can effectively dictate terms to the Democrats in many areas of the country. Nationally, Democrat policy is actually now mostly Communist Party policy.

Learn from the enemy my patriotic friends. Don?t marginalize yourself, or your opponents will surely win.

Use the GOP to advance YOUR agenda. Success is not guaranteed if you do, but failure is guaranteed if you do not.

And there?s a lot more of you, than there is of them.

- See more at:


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2013-06-29 15:03:30 - New Energy market report from GlobalData: "Global Clean Energy Holdings, Inc. (GCEH) - Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review"

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WaterField Designs Samsung Galaxy S4 Cases Review

We got a look at a two WaterField Designs Samsung Galaxy S4 Cases. The Hint Wallet and the Suede Jacket each offer no frills, snug fitting sleeve style cases for the Samsung Galaxy S4. Sadly, one doesn?t measure up to what we?ve come to expect from the company, while the other did.

The Suede Jacket sells for $10 or $14, depending on whether the user gets one without or with the external mesh pocket. The versions for the plain Samsung Galaxy S4 will fit either the phone naked or with a bumper. The version we tested, with the pocket, costs $14.

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The Suede Jacket looks like little more than a form-fitting sock for the Galaxy S4. When we say form-fitting, we mean it. The case fits snug. We struggled to slide the phone into the Suede Jacket and to remove the phone once?inside. It?s hard to keep from rejecting a call while removing the phone from the case. Who likes calling people back and apologizing for hitting the wrong button when the person calls??In the video below, Gary from?WaterField Designs explains that the case will loosen up after use. We gave up before we got to that point.

We like the back pocket and, thanks to plenty of experience testing WaterField Designs products, we know it will hold up over time. We just wish it started out a little more loose. At only $10, users who like the idea of a sock for their phone can give it a try without giving up too much.

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Report: U.S. taps 500M German phone, Internet links in month

BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States taps half a billion phone calls, emails and text messages in Germany in a typical month and has classed its biggest European ally as a target similar to China, according to secret U.S. documents quoted by a German newsmagazine.

The revelations of alleged U.S. surveillance programs based on documents taken by fugitive former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have raised a political furor in the United States and abroad over the balance between privacy rights and national security.

Exposing the latest details in a string of reputed spying programs, Der Spiegel quoted from an internal NSA document which it said its reporters had seen.

The document Spiegel cited showed that the United States categorized Germany as a "third-class" partner and that surveillance there was stronger than in any other EU country, similar in extent to China, Iraq or Saudi-Arabia.

"We can attack the signals of most foreign third-class partners, and we do it too," Der Spiegel quoted a passage in the NSA document as saying.

It said the document showed that the NSA monitored phone calls, text messages, emails and internet chat contributions and has saved the metadata - that is, the connections, not the content - at its headquarters.

On an average day, the NSA monitored about 20 million German phone connections and 10 million internet data sets, rising to 60 million phone connections on busy days, the report said.

While it had been known from disclosures by Snowden that the United States tapped data in Germany, the extent was previously unclear.

News of the U.S. cyber-espionage program Prism and the British equivalent Tempora have outraged Germans, who are highly sensitive to government monitoring having lived through the Stasi secret police in the former communist East Germany and with lingering memories of the Gestapo of Hitler's Nazi regime.

A Spiegel report on Saturday that the NSA had spied on European Union offices caused outrage among EU policymakers, with some even calling for a suspension to talks for a free trade agreement between Washington and the EU.

In France, Der Spiegel reported, the United States taps about 2 million connection data a day. Only Canada, Australia, Britain and New Zealand were explicitly exempted from spy attacks.

Snowden, a U.S. citizen, fled the United States to Hong Kong in May, a few weeks before the publication in the Guardian and the Washington Post of details he provided about secret U.S. government surveillance of internet and phone traffic.

He has been holed up in a Moscow airport transit area for a week after U.S. authorities revoked his passport. The leftist government of Ecuador is reviewing his request for asylum.

(Reporting by Annika Breidthardt; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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Intel executives increase focus on Atom mobile chip

By Noel Randewich

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Intel Corp's top executives said on Friday the microprocessor company would speed up development and roll-out of its Atom chips for mobile devices, as the computing world moves away from the traditional personal computer.

The company is also being "cautious" on its Intel television service, as it continues to look at the business model, according to the company's new Chief Executive Officer Brian Krzanich.

"We believe we have a great user interface and the compression-decompression technology is fantastic," Krzanich said. "But in the end if we want to provide that service it comes down to content. We are not big content players."

In their first sit-down with reporters since their promotions in May, Krzanich and Intel President Renee James said wearable computing would become a key battleground for mobile industry players. They also said they would add new customers to Intel's contract manufacturing business.

The world's biggest chipmaker dominates the PC industry but has been slow to adapt its chips to be suitable for smartphones and tablets. That may change, according to Krzanich.

"We see that Atom is now at the same importance, it's launching on the same leading edge technology, sometimes even coming before Core (Intel's line of PC chips)," said Krzanich.

"We are in the process of looking at all of our roadmaps and evaluating the timing of some of those products," he said. "It's fair to say there are things we would like to accelerate."

(Reporting by Noel Randewich, writing by Bill Rigby; Editing by Bernard Orr)


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Immigration focus on House after Senate OKs bill

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Attention is shifting to the House and its conservative majority after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S. citizenship to millions while pouring billions of dollars into securing the border with Mexico.

The bill's prospects are highly uncertain in the Republican-led House, where conservatives generally oppose citizenship for immigrants living in the country unlawfully. Many also prefer a step-by-step approach rather than a comprehensive bill like the legislation the Senate passed Thursday on a bipartisan vote of 68-32.

Following the Senate vote, President Barack Obama, who's made an immigration overhaul a top second-term priority, called on the House to act.

"Today, the Senate did its job. It's now up to the House to do the same," Obama said in a statement issued as he traveled in Africa. "As this process moves forward, I urge everyone who cares about this issue to keep a watchful eye. Now is the time when opponents will try their hardest to pull this bipartisan effort apart so they can stop common-sense reform from becoming a reality. We cannot let that happen."

Members of the Senate's so-called Gang of Eight, the senators who drafted the bill and hoped a resounding vote total would pressure the House, echoed the plea.

"To our friends in the House, we ask for your consideration and we stand ready to sit down and negotiate with you," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said. "You may have different views on different aspects of this issue, but all of us share the same goal, and that is to take 11 million people out of the shadows, secure our borders and make sure that this is the nation of opportunity and freedom."

At a news conference, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, made clear the House would not simply take up the Senate bill as some Democrats and outside advocates are calling for, but would chart its own legislation with a focus on border security. How exactly Boehner will proceed remained unclear, but the speaker has called a special meeting of his majority Republicans for July 10 to go over options.

"The House is not going to take up and vote on whatever the Senate passes. We're going to do our own bill," Boehner said. "It'll be legislation that reflects the will of our majority and the will of the American people."

The bill passed by the Senate devotes $46 billion to border security improvements, including calling for a doubling of the border patrol stationed on the U.S.-Mexico border and the completion of 700 miles of fencing ? changes added at the last minute to attract Republican support. No one would be able to get a permanent resident green card until those border enhancements and others were in place.

The bill also makes it mandatory for employers to check their workers' legal status, sets up new visa programs to allow workers into the country and establishes new tracking systems at seaports and airports to keep better tabs on people entering and leaving the country.

At its contentious core, though, is a 13-year path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in this country illegally.

Without such a provision, senators say the legislation could not pass the Senate. With it, its prospects are difficult in the House.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., predicted that the House might end up having to pass the Senate bill after failing to find any other avenue forward and feeling pressure from the public to act.

But that approach is strongly opposed by many conservatives. Boehner also dismissed the idea of relying on Democratic votes instead of a majority of his Republicans to pass an immigration bill.

At the same time Boehner said he hopes the bill will be bipartisan, and he encouraged a House group of four Democrats and three Republicans trying to forge a compromise to continue their efforts.

He offered no details on how a House bill could be both bipartisan and supported by more than half of his own rank and file, given that most of the single-issue immigration bills that have moved through the House Judiciary Committee recently did so on party-line votes over the protests of Democrats. None envisions legal status for immigrants now here illegally.

Boehner declined to say whether there were circumstances under which he could support a pathway to citizenship, but he made clear that securing the border was a priority.

"People have to have confidence that the border is secure before anything else is really going to work. Otherwise, we repeat the mistakes of 1986," he said, referring to the last time Congress overhauled the immigration system.

One option could be to bring up one or more of four narrowly focused immigration bills approved by the Judiciary Committee this week and last, hoping to pass it and use it as a vehicle for House members to enter into negotiations with senators on a merged bill in the fall or winter.


Associated Press writer Donna Cassata contributed to this report.


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SbB LIVE FROM LA (Jun 29, 2013 @ 5:18am ET)

Comments | SbB Live RSS Feed
Friday, June 28, 2013

9:00 PM: Paralyzed football player Eric LeGrand shares video of himself getting pushed around by his therapy dog Willie.

8:45 PM: Mike Tyson tweeted on Friday: "16 yrs ago today I had the notorious Bite Fight with (Evander Holyfield). I'm so glad we are friends now."

8:30 PM: A former Tennessee Titans cheerleader accused of groping a 12-year-old boy refused a plea deal in court on Friday. Elizabeth "Leigh" Garner has a trial date set for November 12 on charges of aggravated sexual battery & solicitation of a minor for child rape.

8:15 PM: The Tennessean reports that four Vanderbilt football players have been suspended amid a sex crimes investigation by Nashville police.

8:00 PM: Former Louisville basketball player Peyton Siva said he got some "awkward looks" from Michigan fans while at Friday's press conference to introduce the Detroit Pistons' draft pick. The Cardinals defeated the Wolverines in this year's NCAA title game.

7:45 PM: New Jersey Devils goalie Martin Brodeur has been chosen to be the cover model for EA Sports' NHL 14 video game.

7:30 PM: The Columbus Blue Jackets announced Friday they have signed head coach Todd Richards to a one-year contract extension through the 2014-15 season.

7:15 PM: Doc Rivers explained Friday why he called Bill Simmons an "idiot" after the ESPN analyst said Rivers quit on the Celtics: "I thought it kind of ruined the broadcast last night, 'cause he kept bringing it up. It was almost like he had an agenda. I was just getting tired of it."

7:00 PM: From The Onion: "Stanley Cup Shot 11 Times During Chicago Blackhawks Victory Parade"

6:45 PM: Ray Allen will return to the Miami Heat next season after picking up his $3.2 million contract option.

6:30 PM: Milwaukee Brewers first baseman Corey Hart will be out for the rest of the season as he prepares to undergo surgery on his left knee. Hart has been on the disabled list since spring training with a right knee injury.

6:15 PM: An 18-year-old North Carolina man was arrested Friday on charges of vandalising the Howard's Rock at Clemson's football stadium. Micah Rogers was charged with malicious injury to real property & unlawful entry to enclosed places.

6:00 PM: A 48-year-old man taking paragliding lessons in Imperial Beach, California died Wednesday after crashing into rocks near the beach.

5:45 PM: A Connecticut family claims they were denied membership to the Ellington Ridge County Club because their eight-year-old autistic son requires a flotation device when he goes swimming.

5:30 PM: A Potter County, Pennsylvania judge has been assigned to preside over the lawsuit of Joe Paterno's family against the NCAA regarding the Jerry Sandusky sanctions. Centre County officials requested that a judge from outside the area be chosen to avoid a conflict of interest with Penn State.

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Alot of military like equipment with ARC on the side?

I want to start by saying that I am a loyal lurker of ats and have been for about 10 years now. I created this account because on my way to a deep
sea fishing trip out of Galveston recently we passed a relatively large area that was fenced off with some military like vehicles that had the
lettering ARC on the side of it. Now, generally I'd be like ok maybe some private security org. that has some beefed up security somewhere. But, on
the way out of the port there was a massive ship that also had that same lettering on the side. The ship looked to be at least 100 ft in length, and
have actual building like structures sitting on top of it, so maybe a command center or something. Now that's good and all, but right across from the
pier that we left out of there was a huge concrete looking building with no windows and a helicopter sitting on top with a little orange sub hanging
from the top that resembled something like what you would consider to be an escape pod.

So my question is:

what is it? I tried to do a google search and couldn't come up with anything. I would have taken a picture but didn't for fear of getting in trouble. There is no way some private security or whatever has that much armor. I also google earthed it and didn't find current pictures with the vehicles in it. the location is just to the right of 1700 harborside dr. in Galveston, tx if any of you guys have any ideas that would be great as my curiousity is bugging me on this!

A lot of thanks in advanced,

edit on 28-6-2013 by spincycle because: (no reason given)


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Obama pledges to help Africa, pays tribute to Mandela

By Mark Felsenthal and Jeff Mason

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama paid tribute to anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela as he flew to South Africa on Friday but played down expectations of a meeting with the ailing black leader during an Africa tour promoting democracy and food security.

White House officials hope Obama's three-nation tour of Africa - his first substantial visit to the continent since taking office in 2009 - will compensate for what some view as years of neglect by America's first black president.

The health of Mandela, the 94-year-old former South African president clinging to life in a Pretoria hospital, dominated Obama's day even before he arrived in Johannesburg.

"I don't need a photo op," Obama told reporters aboard Air Force One after leaving Senegal. "The last thing I want to do is to be in any way obtrusive at a time when the family is concerned with Nelson Mandela's condition."

Mandela's ex-wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, said his condition had improved in the past few days.

Nearly 1,000 trade unionists, Muslim activists and South African Communist Party members marched through the capital to the U.S. Embassy, where they burned an American flag and called Obama's foreign policy "arrogant and oppressive.

Muslim activists held prayers in a car park outside the embassy. Leader Imam Sayeed Mohammed told the group: "We hope that Mandela feels better and that Obama can learn from him."


Obama sees Mandela, also known as Madiba, as a hero. Whether they are able to meet or not, officials said his trip would serve largely as a tribute to the anti-apartheid leader.

Like Mandela, Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize and both men were the first black presidents of their nations.

Air Force One departed Senegal's coastal capital, Dakar, just before 1100 GMT (0700 ET) and was due to arrive in South Africa around eight hours later. On Friday evening, Obama has no public events scheduled and could go to the hospital then.

"When we get there, we'll gauge the situation," Obama told reporters.

Obama was scheduled to visit Robben Island, where Mandela spent years in prison under South Africa's former white minority regime.

He told reporters his message in South Africa would draw from the lessons of Mandela's life.

"If we focus on what Africa as a continent can do together and what these countries can do when they're unified, as opposed to when they're divided by tribe or race or religion, then Africa's rise will continue," Obama said.

White House officials said Obama would hold a "town hall" on Saturday with youth leaders in Soweto, the Johannesburg township known for 1976 student protests against apartheid.

He will discuss a new exchange program for African students with U.S. colleges and universities. The event will include youth in Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya participating through video conference, and will be televised in those countries, White House officials said.


Obama's only previous visit to the African continent was a one-day stopover in Ghana at the beginning of his first term.

While acknowledging that Obama has not spent as much time in Africa as people hoped, the White House is eager to highlight what it has done, in part to end unflattering comparisons to accomplishments of predecessors George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

"Given the budget constraints, for us to try to get the kind of money that President Bush was able to get out of the Republican House for massively scaled new foreign aid programs is very difficult," Obama said.

Obama and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have fought bitterly over government spending. U.S. foreign aid is a perennial target for lawmakers who want more budget cuts.

Before departing Senegal, Obama met farmers and local entrepreneurs to discuss new technologies helping to raise agricultural output in West Africa, one of the world's most under-developed and drought-prone regions. The technical aid in the U.S. government's "Feed the Future" program leverages money from the private sector and aid groups to help small farmers.

Obama said he would announce an initiative to use the same strategies for the power sector, a model he said makes the most of the shrinking U.S. foreign aid budget.

"I think everything we do is designed to make sure that Africa is not viewed as a dependent, as a charity case, but is instead viewed as a partner," he said.

Obama acknowledged that China, Brazil, India and other countries have been increasingly active in Africa and said the United States risks being left behind. But he said the U.S. approach to development is preferred by African leaders.

"They recognize that China's primary interest is being able to obtain access for natural resources in Africa to feed the manufacturers in export-driven policies of the Chinese economy," Obama said.

"Oftentimes that leaves Africa as simply an exporter of raw goods" as opposed to creating long-term jobs, he said.

(Writing by Daniel Flynn, Jeff Mason, Roberta Rampton; Editing by Doina Chiacu)


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Man starts life sentence for killing wife in deliberate crash

LONDON (Reuters) - A British former commercial airline pilot began a life sentence on Thursday for killing his wife by disabling the passenger airbag and unclipping her seatbelt before purposefully crashing their car into a tree.

Sentencing Iain Lawrence to a minimum of 24 years in jail, judge George Leggatt told Leicester Crown Court that the murder of the mother-of-three was both "brutal and carefully planned."

Sally Lawrence died at the scene of the crash in the English Midlands last October. Her husband, 53, had later tried to cover it up as a tragic accident.

The judge said on Wednesday that Lawrence, who had left the driver's airbag unaffected, assumed the protective brace position ahead of the crash, meaning he survived with only bruises while his 47-year-old wife died of "catastrophic injuries".

The murder came two days ahead of the couple's decree nisi for divorce, which the judge said was the main motivation for the crime, along with financial gain.

In an attempt to mislead the court, Lawrence had claimed during the trial that a spasm in his legs had caused the crash. But the judge said the crime was carefully plotted.

"The way in which you killed Sally involved a plan that you must have plotted out over days, if not weeks, in all its malevolent detail, and which you then executed with ruthless efficiency," he added.

"You made your car into a machine as lethal as any weapon, and drove it to the scene with the intention of using it to kill."

(Reporting by Adam Jourdan; editing by Mike Collett-White)


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Clashes as Egypt leader's backers, foes rally

CAIRO (AP) ? Thousands of backers and opponents of Egypt's Islamist president held competing rallies in the capital Friday and new clashes erupted between the two sides in the country's second largest city, Alexandria, in a prelude to massive nationwide protests planned by the opposition this weekend demanding Mohammed Morsi's removal.

For the past several days, Morsi's opponents and members of his Muslim Brotherhood have battled it out in the streets of several cities in the Nile Delta in violence that has left at least five dead. The latest died Friday from injuries suffered in fighting the day before, security officials said.

Many fear the clashes are a sign of more widespread and bloodier battles to come on Sunday, the anniversary of Morsi's inauguration, when the opposition says it will bring millions into the streets around the country.

"We must be alert lest we slide into a civil war that does not differentiate between supporters and opponents," warned Sheik Hassan al-Shafie, a senior cleric at Al-Azhar, the country's most eminent Muslim religious institution.

The Cairo International Airport was flooded with departures, in an exodus airport officials called unprecedented. They said all flights departing Friday to Europe, the United States and the Gulf were fully booked with no vacant seats.

Many of those leaving were families of Egyptian officials and businessmen and those of foreign and Arab League diplomats ? as well as many Egyptian Christians, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk to the press.

In the Mediterranean city of Alexandria on Friday, scuffles erupted between Morsi's supporters and opponents, near the local headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The fighting began when thousands of anti-Morsi protesters marched toward the Brotherhood headquarters, where up to a 1,000 supporters of the president were deployed, protecting the building. Someone on the Islamist side opened fire with birdshot on the marchers and the two sides began to scuffle, according to an Associated Press cameraman at the scene.

Nine people were wounded by birdshot, Deputy Health Minister Mohammed al-Sharkawi told AP.

Security forces fired tear gas at the Brotherhood supporters, but when the two sides continued battling, they withdrew.

Each side insists it is and will remain peaceful on Sunday ? and each has blamed the other for the violence so far.

Tamarod, the activist group whose anti-Morsi petition campaign evolved into Sunday's planned protest, said in a statement it was opposed "to any attack against anybody, whatever the disagreement with this person was," and accused the Brotherhood of sparking violence to scare people from participating Sunday.

Tamarod says it has collected nearly 20 million signatures in the country of 90 million demanding Morsi step down.

The Brotherhood says the five killed in the Delta clashes were its members. Some people "think they can topple a democratically elected President by killing his support groups," Gehad el-Haddad, a Brotherhood spokesman, wrote on his Twitter account.

In Cairo, thousands of Morsi backers filled the street outside the Rabia el-Adawiya Mosque in Cairo, not far from the presidential palace. The palace ? one of the sites where the opposition plans to hold rallies Sunday ? has been surrounded by concrete walls.

In his Friday prayer sermon, the cleric of Rabia el-Adawiya warned that if Morsi is ousted "there will be no president for the country" and Egypt will descend into "opposition hell."

Outside in the street, the Islamists chanted religious slogans. "It is for God, not for position or power," they shouted. "Raise your voice strong, Egyptian: Islamic Shariah." Many wore green headbands with the slogans of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Across the city, thousands of Morsi opponents massed in Cairo's central Tahrir Square, shouting for the president to "leave, leave."

Violence erupted in several parts of the Delta, north of Cairo.

At least six people were injured when an anti-Morsi march was attacked by the president's supporters in the city of Samanod, according to a security official. Attackers fired gunshots and threw acid at the protesters as they passed the house of a local Brotherhood leader, the official said.

In the Delta city of Tanta, four unidentified men believed to be Morsi supporters tried to attack a mosque preacher during his sermon, in which he called on worshippers to stand with Al-Azhar's calls to avoid bloodshed.

Hundreds of protesters in the nearby city of Bassioun hurled stones at the local headquarters of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party. They tore down the party's sign and crushed it, security officials said.

Security officials say three people have died in the past three days in Nile Delta city of Mansoura, along with two others in the nearby province of Sharqiya.

In Sharqiya on Thursday, an Islamist march encountered an anti-Morsi march, leading to scuffles that evolved into full-fledged battles, the officials said. The two sides hurled stones at each other and fired gunshots, and at least 70 were injured.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press.


Mohammed Khalil of Associated Press Television News contributed to this report from Alexandria.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Unity game engine to support Xbox One, gets a boost on Windows 8 and Windows Phone

Unity engine comes to Xbox One with support for Kinect and SmartGlass

When the Unity game engine runs virtually everywhere -- well, almost -- it's no surprise that Unity Technologies has just announced that the engine will support the Xbox One. However, the firm is also revealing a partnership with Microsoft that promises a deeper level of integration on the One than we've seen on some other systems. Microsoft Studios partners will get to build Unity-based Xbox 360 and Xbox One games for free. They'll also receive tools that take full advantage of the One's tricks, including cloud computing, matchmaking, improved Kinect gestures and SmartGlass.

Developers who aren't console-inclined are covered as well: the partnership will give all Unity Pro 4 customers free access to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 development add-ons once they're available this summer. While there's no guarantee that game producers are more likely to target Microsoft's ecosystem than they have in the past, the Unity deal could lower some of the costs and technology barriers. And there may be more: Microsoft has dropped hints that it will provide further details on its support of indie console app development sometime in the near future.

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FCC to Finally Auction Controversial Chunk of Spectrum for Mobile Data

FCC to Finally Auction Controversial Chunk of Spectrum for Mobile Data

The Federal Communications Commission has finally voted to open up 10MHz of spectrum for "commercial mobile services"?that has until now been protected because of interference concerns.

The spectrum block, sitting between 1915-1920MHz and 1995-2000MHz, is called the H block and could be ready for use as soon as early 2014. Previously the FCC has kept the spectrum clear because of concerns about interference with a nearby Personal Communication Service block.

In some desperation, the FCC decided to set up a series of technical rules to stop the H block from interfering with PCS signals. As a result, it's now ready to be auctioned off. The good news is that more spectrum means better mobile data?or at least, mobile data that doesn't get slower with time. [PC World]


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PFT: Olympian Okoye facing tough adjustment

Washington Redskins v Tampa Bay BuccaneersGetty Images

In their zeal to defend the name Redskins against disorganized and scattered opposition that gradually is becoming more organized and less scattered, the NFL team bearing that name has had a tendency to seize in knee-jerk fashion upon anything that supports the position that the name isn?t offensive.

The two primary tactics having entailed citing the various high schools that still use the name (there are fewer all the time) and trumpeting the opinions of Native Americans who have no problem with the name, and who ostensibly would regard as a compliment the greeting, ?What?s up, redskin??

As explained by Dave McKenna in an item published earlier today by Deadspin (yeah, I know that one of the morons who works there recently called me a moron . . . again), a supposed Native American Chief whom the Redskins recently trotted out in support of the name isn?t a Chief, and may not even be a Native American.? But the Redskins, who apparently have chosen to dispense with steps like vetting a guest, put the guy on their in-house web show, described him as a Chief, and had him explain why he supports the name.

And, yes, the guy actually said that Native Americans on the ?reservation? actually great each other with, ?Hey, what?s up, redskin??

Complicating matters for the league is that Commissioner Roger Goodell recently pointed to the same non-Chief-possibly-non-Native-American in a letter to member of Congress defending the ongoing use of the name Redskins.

The full item is worth a read, even though it?s a little lengthy.? Also, it probably should include a disclaimer that the author once triggered a defamation lawsuit from owner Daniel Snyder, which gives McKenna a natural bias.

But the point has been made.? Yet again, the Redskins end up looking bad while trying to make their name look good.

If nothing else, we now know why they?ve hired Frank Luntz.? Then again, maybe they think he?s a Chief, too.


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Senate Passes Immigration Reform (ABC News)

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New method for assessing risks from alien species

June 28, 2013 ? A new semi-quantitative method that enables researchers and others to assess the environmental impacts posed by alien species is now in use in Norway. While the method is tailored to the Norwegian environment, it can easily be adapted to other countries, and fills an international need for a quantifiable, uniform approach to classifying and assessing alien species. The publication that details the potential impacts of alien species in Norway has also just been released in English.

"This provides an objective classification of these species' potential impact on the Norwegian environment. We relied on much of the same principles as were used in the preparation of 'The 2010 Norwegian Red List for Species'," said Professor Bernt-Erik S?ther at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD).

Saether and his colleague Dr. Hanno Sandvik developed the approach, which was then fine-tuned in cooperation with a coalition of researchers from different institutions in Norway and staff from the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC).

S?ther notes that there is no shared international method for assessing the impacts of alien species in the environment. In fact, the EU has just sent out a call for tenders to develop a "Framework for the identification of invasive alien species of EU concern."

"We hope that EU finds our work interesting. We have established a sound scientific methodology, and results have been well received by users," says Ivar Myklebust, NBIC Director.

Rating risks

The method classifies species according to their ability to spread in, and their effects on, the Norwegian environment. This information allows researchers to plot the risks posed by each species on two axes, one of which shows the species' likelihood of establishment, spread and dispersal, while the other shows the degree to which the alien species will interact with native species or transform habitats. Based on the combined values of the two axes, the alien species can be assigned to one of five impact categories:

  • Species with severe impact (SE) are actually or potentially ecologically harmful species and have the potential to become established across large areas.
  • Species with high impact (HI) have either a restricted/moderate ability to spread, but cause at least a medium ecological effect, or alternatively only a minor ecological effect but have a high invasion potential.
  • Potentially high impact (PH) species have either high ecological effects combined with a low invasion potential, or a high invasion potential without any known ecological effect.
  • Low impact (LO) species have no substantial invasion potential and ecological effect.
  • Species with no known impact (NK) are not known to have spread and have no known ecological effects.

The criteria are applicable to all species regardless of taxonomic position.

Results and black-listed species

Norway's first official foray into evaluating the impacts posed by alien species was with the publication of the "2007 Norwegian Black List" by the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre. Only 217 species were assessed in this first effort.

NBIC's new publication, "Alien Species in Norway -- with the Norwegian Black List 2012" includes impact assessments for all 1180 known reproducing alien species in Norway. The 217 species assigned to the two highest impact categories -- severe and high impact -- are on Norway's Black List of alien species. The work also includes information on the 1140 non-reproducing species known from Norwegian territories, including Svalbard, as well as data on distribution and pathways (vectors) into Norway.

Download or order "Alien species in Norway -- with the Norwegian Black List 2012":


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President Obama said on Thursday that while he is concerned about Edward Snowden and wants to bring the NSA leaker back to America, he's not interested in "wheeling and dealing and trading" to get him extradited.?Obama, at the first press conference on his week-long trip to Africa, took questions from the media while in Dakar, Senegal, but naturally everyone wants to talk about the news from home. ...


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Have a brain injury? You may be at higher risk for stroke

June 26, 2013 ? People who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be more likely to have a future stroke, according to research that appears in the June 26, 2013, online issue of Neurology?, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

"Both stroke and traumatic brain injury are common, costly, and leading causes of severe disability in adults, and approximately 20 percent of strokes occur in adults under age 65," said study author James F. Burke, MD, MS, of the University of Michigan and the Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. "A large proportion of stroke risk is unexplained, especially in the young, so if we can identify new risk factors, we have the potential to prevent more strokes and improve outcomes."

For the study, researchers looked at the records of adults who went to the emergency department or were admitted to a hospital for TBI or other trauma with no brain injury in the state of California during a five-year period.

A total of 435,630 people with traumatic brain injury were studied, along with 736,723 people with trauma with no brain injury. Over an average of 28 months following the injury, 11,229 people, or 1 percent, had an ischemic stroke. A total of 1.1 percent of those with TBI suffered a stroke, compared to 0.9 percent of those with trauma with no brain injury. With an ischemic stroke, blood flow to part of the brain is blocked. Eighty percent of strokes are ischemic.

After adjusting for factors that can affect stroke risk, such as age, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as other disorders such as heart disease and the severity of the trauma, the researchers found that people with traumatic brain injury were 30 percent more likely to develop a stroke than those with trauma with no brain injury.

"While the stroke risk of one person with TBI is small, the overall link between TBI and stroke was substantial -- as large as the link between the strongest stroke risk factor, high blood pressure, and stroke," Burke said. "If further research establishes TBI as a new risk factor for stroke, that would stimulate research to help us understand what causes stroke after TBI and help us learn how to prevent these strokes." The study was supported by an advanced fellowship through the Department of Veterans Affairs.


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Gold slides 4 percent, near 3-year low as Wall Street rallies

By Frank Tang and Jan Harvey

NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Gold tumbled 4 percent on Wednesday, taking it near a three-year low as a rallying U.S. equity markets further cut into demand for bullion as a hedge against economic uncertainty.

Silver dropped 5 percent and platinum group metals also declined sharply.

Bullion tumbled again even after the U.S. government slashed its estimate for first-quarter economic growth, which made investors less worried that the Federal Reserve would move soon to end its U.S. economic stimulus.

Bullion has slid around $125 an ounce in four sessions since the Fed signalled it plans to wind down the era of easy money. With two trading days left in the second quarter, gold was down 23 percent for the period, on course for its biggest quarterly decline since Reuters began tracking gold prices in 1968.

"We bought gold for two reasons: because we were worried about the inflationary impact of policy and because we thought the financial system was going to fall apart," said Sean Corrigan, chief investment strategist at Diapason Commodities Management.

"Although it may be completely the wrong judgement, the market has decided that none of those at the moment is a concern," Corrigan said.

Spot gold slumped to its lowest since August 2010 at $1,223.54 an ounce. It was last down 4 percent at $1,225.91 an ounce by 3:08 p.m. EDT (1908 GMT).

U.S. gold futures for August delivery settled down $45.30 to $1,229.80. Trading volume exceeded 315,000 lots, sharply above its 30-day average of 211,000, preliminary Reuters data showed.

Gold, which has lost more than a quarter of its value this year, accelerated losses during Wednesday's session as the S&P 500 rose. The benchmark U.S. stock index was up more than 1 percent in late trade.

"People want risk-on and gold is therefore seen as a source of cash and not as a safe haven, because that's not needed," said Simon Weeks, head of precious metals at the Bank of Nova Scotia.

On Tuesday, the world's largest gold-backed exchange-traded fund posted its biggest outflow in two months. Holdings in SPDR Gold Trust fell 16.23 tonnes, 1.65 percent from the day before, to 969.50 tonnes, their lowest since February 2009.

On charts, several technical analyses including the relative strength index suggested gold is oversold, said Carlos Perez-Santalla at brokerage Marex Spectron. "A pop could be expected if another test of the downside fails," he said.

Silver fell to its lowest since August 2010 at $18.39 an ounce. Spot prices were later down 5.2 percent at $18.57 an ounce.


The world's No. 1 gold ETF the SPDR Gold Shares reported the biggest one-day drop in its holdings in more than two months at 16.23 tonnes on Tuesday. That brought the fund's total outflow for the year to 381 tonnes.

Further weighing on gold, demand in the No. 1 consumer India is likely to fall this quarter as the government moves to curb gold imports.

Worries about a liquidity crunch in China also pressured physical gold demand, analysts said.

Among platinum group metals, platinum was down 3.8 percent at 1,298.99 an ounce, while palladium slid 4.9 percent to $629.97 an ounce.

(Additional reporting by Veronica Brown in London; Editing by Marguerita Choy and David Gregorio)


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No more leakage of explosive electrolytes in batteries

June 27, 2013 ? A research team at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), S. Korea, found a new physical organogel electrolyte with two unique characteristics: an irreversible thermal gelation and a high value of the Li+ transference number.

A Recent fire on a Boeing 787 on the ground in Boston, US, was caused by a battery failure, it resulted in the release of flammable electrolytes, heat damage and smoke. If they had used a safer electrolyte, the risk would have been reduced.

Electrolytes are essential components of supercapacitors, batteries and fuel cells. The Most widely used electrolyte is a liquid type since its overall ionic conductivity and value of transference numbers are better than solid-type electrolytes. However, safety concerns caused by its leakage and explosive nature, caused an extensive call for the research on the development of solid-type electrolyte.

The development of solid-type electrolytes, safe from explosion caused by high temperature and overcharge, is urgently needed to replace the liquid electrolytes. The solid electrolyte enables batteries to be safer as well as the use of higher energy electrode materials.

The most important parameter of electrolytes used in electrochemical cells is ionic conductivity. The use of solid-state electrolytes has been limited due to low ionic conductivity caused by their immobile matrix regardless of their own merits such as no leak, non-volatility, mechanical strength and processing flexibility.

Another parameter we should consider is transference of the number of ions. Electrolytes are characterized by their ionic conductivity, It is desirable that overall ionic results from the dominant contribution of the ions of interest. However high values of the cationic transference number achieved by solid or gel electrolytes have resulted in low ionic conductivity leading to inferior cell performances.

The research team of Profs. Hyun-Kon Song and Noejung Park of UNIST, presented an organogel polymer electrolyte characterized by a high liquid-electrolyte-level ionic conductivity with high a cationic transference number for Lithium ion batteries (LIB).

The research team acquired the two required properties simultaneously in polymer gel electrolytes: a liquid-electrolyte-level conductivity with a high transference number. Cyanoethly polyvinyle alchohol (PVA-CN) played a key role in the highly conductive gel electrolyte while another cyano resin, Cyanoethlyle pullulan (Pullulan-CN), was used as a control representing a liquid electrolyte containing cyano chains. The PVA-CN-containing liquid electrolyte was thermally gelated even without any chemical crosslinkers or polymerizations initiators.

Hyun-Kon Song and Noejung Park, both, professors of the Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, UNIST, South Korea, led the effort. Fellow authors include: Young-Soo Kim, Yoon-Gyo Cho, and Dori Odkhuu from UNIST.

"We believe that this new type of electrolyte gel provides us with design flexibility in devices as well as enhanced safety and stability to electro-chemical devices," said Prof. Song.

This research was funded by the World Class University (WCU) programs through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and published on May 29, 2013 in the (Nature Publishing Group) Scientific Reports


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Stress: It should never be ignored, experts say

June 27, 2013 ? Work pressure, tension at home, financial difficulties ? the list of causes of stress grows longer every day. There have been several studies in the past showing that stress can have negative effects on health (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and more). The Inserm researchers at unit 1018, "The Epidemiology and Public Health Research Centre," working in collaboration with researchers from England and Finland have demonstrated that it is essential to be vigilant about this and to take it very seriously when people say that they are stressed, particularly if they believe that stress is affecting their health. According to the study performed by these researchers, with 7268 participants, such people have twice as much risk of a heart attack, compared with others.

These results have been published in European Heart Journal.

Today, stress is recognized as one of the main health problems. When people face a situation that is considered stressful, they may experience several physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms (anxiety, difficulty in concentrating, skin problems, migraines, etc.). Previous studies, particularly the recent studies performed within the Whitehall II cohort[1], composed of several thousand British civil servants, have already shown that the physiological changes associated with stress can have an adverse effect on health.

Herman Nabi, Inserm researcher at Unit 1018 "The Epidemiology and Public Health Research Centre," and his team went further and studied people who declared themselves to be stressed, in order to look more closely at whether there was a link between their feeling and the occurrence of coronary disease some years later.

Using a questionnaire prepared for the Whitehall II cohort, the participants were invited to answer the following question: "to what extent do you consider the stress or pressure that you have experienced in your life has an effect on your health," the participants had the following answers to choose from: "not at all," "a little," "moderately," "a lot" or "extremely."

The participants were also asked about their stress level, as well as about other factors that might affect their health, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and levels of physical activity. Arterial pressure, diabetes, body mass index and socio-demographic data such as marital status, age, sex, ethnicity and socio-economic status were also taken into account.

According to the results, the participants who reported, at the start of the study, that their health was "a lot" or "extremely" affected by stress had more than twice the risk (2.12 times higher) of having or dying from a heart attack, compared with those who had not indicated any effect of stress on their health.

From a clinical point of view, these results suggest that the patient's perception of the impact of stress on their health may be highly accurate, to the extent that it can predict a health event as serious and common as coronary disease.

In addition, this study also shows that this link is not affected by differences between individuals related to biological, behavioural or psychological factors. However, capacities for dealing with stress do differ massively between individuals depending on the resources available to them, such as support from close friends and family.

According to Hermann Nabi, "the main message is that complaints from patients concerning the effect of stress on their health should not be ignored in a clinical environment, because they may indicate an increased risk of developing and dying of coronary disease. Future studies of stress should include perceptions of patients concerning the effect of stress on their health."

In the future, as Hermann Nabi emphasizes, "tests will be needed to determine whether the risk of disease can be reduced by increasing the clinical attention given to patients who complain of stress having an effect on their health."

[1] Created in 1985, the Whitehall II cohort, consisting of British civil servants, is making a major contribution to research in social epidemiology and is considered internationally to be one of the main sources of scientific knowledge concerning social determinant factors for health.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why Engineering Freshmen Should Take Humanities Courses

Lasrick sends in an article from John Horgan at Scientific American explaining why he thinks engineering freshmen should make a bit of space in their course-load for the humanities. Quoting:
"But it is precisely because science is so powerful that we need the humanities now more than ever. In your science, mathematics and engineering classes, you're given facts, answers, knowledge, truth. Your professors say, 'This is how things are.' They give you certainty. The humanities, at least the way I teach them, give you uncertainty, doubt and skepticism. The humanities are subversive. They undermine the claims of all authorities, whether political, religious or scientific. This skepticism is especially important when it comes to claims about humanity, about what we are, where we came from, and even what we can be and should be. Science has replaced religion as our main source of answers to these questions. Science has told us a lot about ourselves, and we?re learning more every day. But the humanities remind us that we have an enormous capacity for deluding ourselves."


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Getting the carbon out of emissions

June 26, 2013 ? Proposed method could be more efficient than previous systems and easier to retrofit in existing power plants.

Many researchers around the world are seeking ways to "scrub" carbon dioxide (CO2) from the emissions of fossil-fuel power plants as a way of curbing the gas that is considered most responsible for global climate change. But most such systems rely on complex plumbing to divert the steam used to drive the turbines that generate power in these plants, and such systems are not practical as retrofits to existing plants.

Now, researchers at MIT have come up with a scrubbing system that requires no steam connection, can operate at lower temperatures, and would essentially be a "plug-and-play" solution that could be added relatively easily to any existing power plant.

The new electrochemical system is described in a paper just published online in the journal Energy and Environmental Science, and written by doctoral student Michael Stern, chemical engineering professor T. Alan Hatton and two others.

The system is a variation on a well-studied technology that uses chemical compounds called amines, which bind with CO2 in the plant's emission stream and can then release the gas when heated in a separate chamber. But the conventional process requires that almost half of the power plant's low-pressure steam be diverted to provide the heat needed to force the amines to release the gas. That massive diversion would require such extensive changes to existing power plants that it is not considered economically feasible as a retrofit.

In the new system, an electrochemical process replaces the steam-based separation of amines and CO2. This system only requires electricity, so it can easily be added to an existing plant.

The system uses a solution of amines, injected at the top of an absorption column in which the effluent gases are rising from below. The amines bind with CO2 in the emissions stream and are collected in liquid form at the bottom of the column. Then, they are processed electrochemically, using a metal electrode to force the release of the CO2; the original amine molecules are then regenerated and reused.

As with the conventional thermal-amine scrubber systems, this technology should be capable of removing 90 percent of CO2 from a plant's emissions, the researchers say. But while the conventional CO2-capture process uses about 40 percent of a plant's power output, the new system would consume only about 25 percent of the power, making it more attractive.

In addition, while steam-based systems must operate continuously, the all-electric system can be dialed back during peak demand, providing greater operational flexibility, Stern says. "Our system is something you just plug in, so you can quickly turn it down when you have a high cost or high need for electricity," he says.

Another advantage is that this process produces CO2 under pressure, which is required to inject the gas into underground reservoirs for long-term disposal. Other systems require a separate compressor to pressurize the gas, creating further complexity and inefficiency.

The chemicals themselves -- mostly small polyamines -- are widely used and easily available industrial materials, says Hatton, the Ralph Landau Professor of Chemical Engineering Practice. Further research will examine which of several such compounds works best in the proposed system.

So far, the research team, which also includes former MIT research scientist Fritz Simeon and Howard Herzog, a senior research engineer at the MIT Energy Initiative, has done mathematical modeling and a small-scale laboratory test of the system. Next, they hope to move on to larger-scale tests to prove the system's performance. They say it could take five to 10 years for the system to be developed to the point of widespread commercialization.

Because it does not rely on steam from a boiler, this system could also be used for other applications that do not involve steam -- such as cement factories, which are among the leading producers of CO2 emissions, Stern says. It could also be used to curb emissions from steel or aluminum plants.

It could also be useful in other CO2 removal, Hatton says, such as in submarines or spacecraft, where carbon dioxide can accumulate to levels that could endanger human health, and must be continually removed.

The work was supported by Siemens AG and by the U.S. Department of Energy through the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy.


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